Privacy Policy
In case you deal with any EU customers/visitors these options allow you to make your site GDPR compliant.
Append a privacy policy message to your comment form? : Check to show or hide append a message to the comment form for unregistered users.Commenting without consent is no longer possible
Message below comment form : to add the short message that can be displayed below forms, along with a checkbox, that lets the user know that he has to agree to your privacy policy in order to send the form.
Append a privacy policy message to mailchimp contact forms? : Check to show or hide append a message to all of your mailchimp forms.
Message below mailchimp subscription forms : To add a short message that can be displayed below forms, along with a checkbox, that lets the user know that he has to agree to your privacy policy in order to send the form.
Append a privacy policy message to your login forms? : Check to show or hide append a message to the default login and registrations forms.
Message below login forms : To add a short message that can be displayed below forms, along with a checkbox, that lets the user know that he has to agree to your privacy policy in order to send the form.
Cookie Consent Message
Cookie Message Bar : Enable cookie consent message bar
Message : To add a message which indicates that your site uses cookies.
Message Bar Position : To select the position on the page should the message bar appear?
Where on the page should the message bar appear?
Buttons : You can create any number of buttons/links for your message bar here