Here are some points regarding mega menu and default menu.
- By default you will have option to diable menu text and menu link option for every menu.
- To enable mega menu please check the ‘Use As Mega Menu’ option and you can choose the number of column layout for mega menu ( available options 2 column, 3 column and 4 column ).
- You can add any page or custom link or any availalable pages as sub menu for mega menu.
- In sub menu you will have ‘Enable Fullwidth’ option which will make current menu and all its submenu to display in fullwidth.
- Also for every submenu you will have option to choose custom widget area in ‘Display Widget Area’, which is created in buddha panel ( Dashboard -> theme Options ).
- You can also choose number of column(s) these custom widgets should occupy ( available options 2 column, 3 column and 4 column ).